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Variace Vertigo_Teki Shine_22 (1) (1).jpg

In a world where stability seems not to exist and everything seems always to be shaking, we ask how we find our feet and move forward. How do we learn to live with this state, to work with it, to transform it, perhaps into something we might begin to love?

Inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's iconic film Vertigo (1958), Vertigo Variations is not an adaptation. Instead, the film is an impetus for us to reckon with our own experiences of physical and existential vertigo and invite you - the spectator - to sit with yours.

In Hitchcock’s film, a diagnosis of a vulnerability - acrophobia, or fear of heights - sets into motion a chain of events that ends with multiple tragedies. Parts of this world feel familiar, even 60 years on. It’s a world that’s uncomfortable with fragility, that doesn’t always make it easy - or even possible - to say what you mean.

Perched on the edge of oblivion and liberation, we dance with the film, push its limits - and our own - and imagine past all of this to a world where our own shimmering vulnerabilities might be the ultimate source of grounding. Vertigo Variations is a work for anyone who’s ever felt dizzy, gone weak in the knees, or felt an odd desire to throw their mobile phone off a bridge, whether you’ve seen Vertigo once, 100 times or never.

Co-produced by Venuše ve Švehlovce and Beautiful Confusion Collective with support from the Ministry of Culture CR and the State Fund for Culture CR.

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